Search results for References by wikramanayake, e.
Thapa, K.; Nepal, S.; Thapa, G.; Bhatta, S.R.; Wikramanayake, E., 2013. Past, present and future conservation of the greater one-horned rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis in Nepal. Oryx 47 (3): 345-351


Wikramanayake, E.; MacKnight, M.; Dinerstein, E.; Joshi, A.; Gurung, B.; Smith, S., 2004. Designing a conservation landscape for tigers in human-dominated environments. Conservation Biology 18 (3): 839-844


Wikramanayake, E.D.; Dinerstein, E., 1998. Rhinoceros conservation in Asia: the challenge for WWF: pp. 42-44

 In: Compton, J. WWF Asian rhinoceros and elephant strategies (AREAS): Workshop report, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, December 1-6, 1998. Ho Chi Minh City, WWF Indochina Programme: pp. 1-57
